Q: What is Report and Support?
A: Report and Support is a secure and private online platform to share any experience or incident of unacceptable behaviour.
You can let us know about the incident or behaviour in one of two ways, either anonymously – by keeping your name and contact details private - or by leaving your contact details.
If you choose not to share your name and contact details, we will not be able to offer direct support.
If you let us know about something and leave your contact details, you will be contacted by the Health and Wellbeing team who will offer you a ‘Care and Support’ conversation to discuss your options for further support.
Q: If I use Report and Support, will it automatically trigger a formal process?
A: No. Report and Support is a confidential online platform designed to help guide you through your options and has two options to share your experience.
You can share your experience and provide your name and contact details so that our Health and Wellbeing team can help guide you through both your support and reporting options.
Or, you can share your experiences without telling us your name and contact details, and the information will be used to help us identify patterns of behaviour at UHL and inform our future plans to prevent this from happening again.
Q: What should I do if someone tells me something has happened to them? Can I report on their behalf?
A: Yes, you can, but we will only be able to contact and discuss the issue with the person who has made the report. We know it can be difficult when someone shares sensitive information with you. Please encourage them to access Report and Support to share their experience and, if they are comfortable to do so, provide their own name and contact details, so that we can ensure they get the care and support that they need.
Q: Can I report something I have seen or am aware of relating to another member of staff?
Yes, you can, but we will only be able to contact and discuss the issue with the person who has made the report. This is not intended to be used as a tool to refer others to the Health and Wellbeing team. If what you have witnessed has led to you feeling upset or traumatised, please contact our TRiM (Trauma Risk Management) team through HealthSPA@uhl-tr.nhs.uk, as they can provide support for you.
Q: Will my manager be aware that I have logged a report?
A: No, reports made through the Report and Support tool are treated confidentially, unless the information given could put someone in at an immediate high risk of harm.
Q: How secure is the data and information sent through the system?
A: Any identifiable data is stored in the system and only accessible by the Health and Wellbeing team. It will not be shared further without prior consent or unless there is a risk of harm.
Data held on Report and Support is GDPR compliant and further information about how data is collected and stored is outlined in the Privacy Notice. The system has been security-tested by both the developer, Culture Shift, and by UHL.